Belong to Me by Shayla Black

Belong to Me by Shayla Black

Author:Shayla Black [Black, Shayla]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi, pdf
Tags: Romance, Adult, Erotica, Fiction, Fiction / Romance
ISBN: 9780425243152
Publisher: Berkley
Published: 2011-05-15T08:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

LOGAN didn’t have a good feeling about this. After cleaning Cherry with a warm, wet washcloth, he pushed aside her trembling fingers and helped her dress quickly. Once done, they left the room, and she settled into a grim silence.

He took her hand, wrapping her cold fingers in his. “You don’t know that Darcy is dead.”

“No,” she admitted, her face taut and pale. “But something is very wrong.”

Unable to refute that, Logan guided her toward Thorpe’s office. Xander entered the secure area, glanced their way, and frowned. “What’s wrong, dude? And don’t say ‘nothing’ because one look at Tara and I know that’s a lie.”

His friend meant well, but now wasn’t the time. “We don’t know. Might have something to do with Cherry’s case.”

Xander nodded. “If I can do anything to help, let me know.”

“Thanks, man.”

Guiding her down the hall, he and Tara entered Thorpe’s office and shut the door behind them. Thorpe sat, resting his chin on his steepled fingers, his mouth a thin white line. A snowy envelope lay on the desk in front of him. The dark stranger in the suit paced the side of the room like a caged animal.

Both gazes rested on Tara, and Logan instinctively wrapped his arm around her.

“Relax, Edgington,” Thorpe snapped. “We’re not going to tear into her.”

“Has he behaved this way since he began training her?” the stranger asked.

“If you have something to say,” Logan growled, “you say it to me.”

“Sit,” Thorpe demanded of both of them.

Cherry did so quickly—a submissive’s internal urge to respond to a Dominant’s command. Logan had no such urge, but the look on the club owner’s face warned that arguing now would only be counterproductive to solving the problems at hand.

Glaring at the stranger in the corner, Logan sat beside Cherry, gripping her hand again.

“Good,” Thorpe said, tapping his toe against the concrete floor.

He was edgy, wired-up. Since Thorpe was usually one of the fucking calmest customers Logan had ever met, that worried the shit out of him.

“You want to tell us what’s going on?” he asked.

Thorpe shook his head. “I’m trying to decide where to start. The night has turned into one giant clusterfuck.”

The stranger stepped toward Tara, his dark eyes dissecting her. “I think introductions are in order first.”

When he stuck out his hand toward her, Logan tensed.

“I’m Jon Bocelli.”

Her new boss. Cherry rose to her feet and shook his hand, chin raised confidently. But Logan knew she had to be cringing at the thought that her boss had both seen her in an act of public submission and in the aftermath of passion. Yes, she’d been training for a dangerous assignment, but responses like hers couldn’t be feigned. Logan vowed to pull Bocelli aside if necessary and explain that the sex against the wall, which her boss would likely see as misconduct, had been his own fault.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Agent Jacobs.”

“You, too, sir.”

“Edgington,” Bocelli greeted, hand outstretched.

Logan shook it as Tara said, “I didn’t expect you in from D.C. Do you have news about Darcy?”



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